Hartley Foundation
12633 Beaver Rd.
St. Charles, MI 48655
You may give to the Hartley Foundation Endowment at the Saginaw Community Foundation by clicking the button below. If you cannot contribute assets today, consider making the gift in your will or other estate plans, specifying that you would like your gift to be used to fund an endowment. You determine if your endowment will be designated to support a specific program or service. However, we prefer that your gift is given without restrictions to allow our board of trustees to direct the fund to our most critical needs.
With your generosity, you can impact programming and outdoor education initiatives that will have a lasting impact on taking care of our environment for generations to come.
We are always in need of quality outdoor gear for the youth who participate in our education programs. Please let us know if you would like to make arrangements to donate in-kind:
(989) 865-6295 or email hartley@sisd.cc
Planned gifts allow individuals to combine their personal charitable interests with long-range financial and estate planning. There are various tools available to donors who want to maximize the value of their gift to themselves and the Hartley Outdoor Education Center.
Please contact us at hartley@sisd.cc to discuss planned giving opportunities.
Donating to Hartley OEC directly from your Individual Retirement Account is an easy and efficient way to make a big impact. If you are 70½ of age or older you can make a transfer directly from your IRA to the Institute without realizing any taxable income. Please consult your financial advisor for guidance about how making an IRA charitable rollover gift affects your specific situation.