Michigan Lumberjacks
In the late 1800's Michigan saw the rapid rise and decline of the logging era. By the turn of the century, Michigan's "green gold" would be more valuable than California's gold rush by over a billion dollars. The key player in this historic episode was the lumberjack. This class reveals to the student this colorful time in Michigan's history through the life of the lumberjack.
In this immersive experience, students will uncover the daily lives of lumberjacks, from felling mighty pines to floating them downriver to bustling sawmills. They'll hear stories of perseverance and teamwork, learning how these skilled woodsmen overcame the challenges of the wilderness with grit and determination.
Join us as we journey back in time to the era of Michigan lumberjacks, where the spirit of the forest comes alive and the legacy of these storied woodsmen continues to inspire us today.